Nikolaos Passalis


(Me at Seich Sou)

About me

I am an Assistant Proffesor in the Department of Chemical Engineering of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, specializing in Computational Intelligence methods.

Research Interests

My research interests are centered on the broad area of computational intelligence, with a particular focus on Machine Learning and Deep Learning, focusing especially on leveraging such approaches to tackle novel and challenging problems in the domain of Chemical Engineering. My research contributions includes a wide range of works, e.g., from works on fundamental theory of learning to applied research in emerging fields. You can find more information in research page. Some indicative research topics are listed below:

  • Representation Learning
  • Information-theoretic Learning
  • Timeseries Analysis and Forecasting
  • Deep Reinforcement Learning
  • Hybrid Mechanistic/Model-based and Data-driven Learning
  • Robotics Perception and Computer Vision
  • Photonic Neuromorphic Deep Learning
  • … and others